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How to Save on Car Insurance

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The Real Costs Associated with Buying a New CarPost

The Real Costs Associated with Buying a New Car

Buying a new car can be a huge financial responsibility. Not only do you assume the payments for the automobile, but you also have to take responsibility for all of the associated costs, including fuel, tires, oil changes, and more. Insurance alone will end up being only a little less than the amount of the car payment by the time the loan is paid off, and if you have a few smudges on your driving or credit history, the cost could be higher than what you pay for the car.

Buying a new car can be a huge financial responsibility. Not...

10 Cheapest Car Insurance Companies in 2025Post

10 Cheapest Car Insurance Companies in 2025

Many people wonder how to get cheaper car insurance quotes. Car insurance premiums are calculated utilizing a variety of indicators that vary from one insurance company to the next but there are some that are common to most. May car insurance companies also offer various discounts that can be taken advantage of when getting a quote. To get cheaper insurance rates, making sure that your quote profile looks most appealing will help you get the best coverage at the best rates. Below are 18 ways that you can go about getting the cheapest car insurance quotes.

Many people wonder how to get cheaper car insurance quotes. ...

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Car Insurance Startups Change How You Buy Car InsurancePost

Car Insurance Startups Change How You Buy Car Insurance

Traditional car insurance base driver’s rates on a number of factors. There is usually a very long and detailed questionnaire, that ask questions like number of eligible drivers in the house, how long have you been driving, your current zip code, your age, the number of accidents, number of any moving violations, do you rent or own your home, job title, highest level of education, the number of miles driven etc. Now you may ask yourself, what do all these questions have to with getting my car insured? Traditional care insurance companies take the answers to all these questions and load them into an algorithm to determine the risk factor of you having an accident. Based on those answers, or the results the algorithm uncovers, traditional car insurance companies will decide to insure you or not insure you, or give you a higher rate. The bottom line is traditional car insurance is based a combination of many factors, but the most important factor is demographics and driver’s history.

Traditional car insurance base driver’s rates on a number ...

Free Auto Insurance QuotesPost

Free Auto Insurance Quotes

Shopping online for auto insurance is fast and easy. Using our quote form, we'll help match with local agents and insurance companies that can instantly provide you with multiple auto insurance rates.

Shopping online for auto insurance is fast and easy. Using o...

Compare Car Insurance QuotesPost

Compare Car Insurance Quotes

The best way to find high quality, affordable car insurance is to compare car insurance quotes online. Car insurance policies differ from state to state and company to company, but you can narrow the choices down to the companies which have the most to offer you if you compare car insurance quotes before you make the purchase.

The best way to find high quality, affordable car insurance ...

How Bankruptcy Affects Your Car Insurance RatesPost

How Bankruptcy Affects Your Car Insurance Rates

Filing for bankruptcy can affect the rates you pay for auto insurance along with your other financial concerns. Because a bankruptcy affects your financial stability and because insurance companies look at your credit score to determine the risk of insuring you, filing a bankruptcy could have serious implications for your car insurance. Filing a bankruptcy is going to give you a bad credit score and a higher rate for car insurance is one of the side effects.

Filing for bankruptcy can affect the rates you pay for auto ...

Defensive Driving Courses Can Lower Your Car Insurance RatesPost

Defensive Driving Courses Can Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

One way to reduce the cost of car insurance is to take a driver improvement course. The idea, from the insurance company perspective, is that people who take an active interest in being better drivers are also going to be a lower risk, and since the company saves money, they pass the savings on to you. Defensive driving courses are not the only way to save money on car insurance, but taking one will definitely be a step in the right direction.

One way to reduce the cost of car insurance is to take a dri...

Traffic School Can Lower Your Car Insurance RatesPost

Traffic School Can Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

Attending a voluntary driver improvement course is a way to get cheaper car insurance rates that many people are not aware of. If you are trying to fit the coverage you need into a budget you can afford, traffic school is a possible option to lower your car insurance rates. Keep in mind that you will have to pay the cost of the course, but the discounts will typically more than make up for what you have to pay out a single time for the course.

Attending a voluntary driver improvement course is a way to ...

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AAA Review: Pros, Cons, & Alternatives (2025)

The American Automobile Association was founded to make it easier and safer for members to travel. Since the club was founded, the benefits they are able to offer their members has gone from discounts at select locations to a network of travel related savings that include fuel, lodging, and exclusive benefits such as free towing or roadside assistance. Additionally, AAA members are invited to purchase car insurance through partner companies, getting group discount pricing on top of the line auto insurance.

The American Automobile Association was founded to make it e...

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